Friday, April 11, 2008

Music2Deal Scandinavia

For those of you reading this blog. You're the first to know !

From May 1/2008 I'll be managing the "Nordic area" (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Island) of the music industry networking platform

- For all of you working in the music industry, running a business, big or small, on any level: - this is really a good place to make connections and business across the borders !

- For all of you working with marketing of any entertainment related product: - this is really a good place to be seen by millions !

You'll soon hear about this new little step forward as soon as I be up and running.

Lasse de Flon for the Music2Deal Scandinavia

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Feature on !

We are pleased to announce that we're featured on the highly acclaimed website. The latest tune (remix) out from the forthcoming Fake debut album is chosen among hundreds of submissions and the team at says: - "We reviewed hundreds of submissions and thought your song was amongst the best we heard".

Go to the music lounge and choose "featured tracks" and whoops it's right there at the top of the pops.