Due to the latest streaming report "Nordur" (taken from Pondus mini album "
Sandur") have been streamed and downloaded over 700 times in the US, in August alone. "Nordur" is a minimalistic instrumental beauty recorded in Reykjavik, Iceland by Björk collaborator
Valgeir Sigurdsson. Pondus is a trio playing real instruments, use no samples but guitars, bass and drums only. Petur Hallgrimsson writes the songs, plays the 6 and 12 string electric guitar/bariton/lapsteel, Addi the drums/percussion/cajon and Gudni the bass. The members of Pondus have played with/for as diverse artist as Apparat Organ Quartet, Mugison, BangGang, SlowBlow, Marc Almond, Sigur Ros, Kylie MInogue, Hafler Trio, Bubbi and lots of others...